Interview: The Fairchilds

Where are you from?
I’m a French living in Los Angeles. Born and raised in Nice, in the south of France.

What is your earliest memory of music?
My mother played the piano a little bit. When I was very little, she would play right next to my room, and that was probably when I fell in love with music. I knew somehow that it was a language that I could understand and so I took my first piano lesson when I was 5.

How would you describe your style? American rock with the British twist sung by a French blond dude.

Are there any particular themes or messages that you often explore in your music?
Most of the songs come from social observation of the world.

What is the meaning behind your stage name?
I’ve always been fascinated by The Beatles and I always loved the way Ed Sullivan introduced them on his show in 1964. I wanted a name that would sound as good as Ed Sullivan said: “And now, ladies and gentlemen, The Beatles!” While recording the first album, we used a very old mic preamp by the brand Fairchild. And that was it! And I added the “s” to keep a French twist.

What is the hardest thing about being an artist? Finding out who you really are, what makes you special, and struggling with “imposter syndrome” on a daily basis.

What’s the best thing about being an artist?
Being allowed to create and make mistakes every day. Travel the world and meet fascinating new people.

What do you like to do in your free time (outside of music)?
Sports have always been a big part of my life. I have played a lot of tennis since I was a kid. And I think golf is the best cure for a hamster wheel brain! You are surrounded by nature for 4 hours and it’s all about yards, slopes, wind and math. I have a very curious mind, so I’m constantly learning about anything. “The greatest weapons in the conquest of knowledge are an understanding mind and the inexorable curiosity that drives it on.” And I love cooking and baking. I bake a mean chocolate cake!

Do you get involved with charities or causes that are important to you? Not as much as I’d like. If I’m asked and I feel like my presence can help the cause, I’ll be there. One thing I’m passionate about is introducing music to kids who didn’t have the luck I had with music. Music can be your best ally in life. So, whether it is donating instruments to schools or going into classrooms to talk about music and how everybody can be a musician, I definitely feel like I can make a difference.

What is something that people would be surprised to know about you? I can solve a Rubik’s cube in less that 30 seconds.

What does a typical day look like for you? I usually wake up around 9am, then breakfast, emails, world news, then I turn on my computer and listen to what I worked on the day before. If it’s good enough I work on it, if not I record a guitar or piano part or do some video editing. Only technical things in the morning, I leave the creative part for the evenings and nights. Lunch is very important because it’s my last meal of the day since I started intermittent fasting more than 10 years ago. It just works for me… Work some more in the afternoon. Play tennis or golf or go to the gym. Not a single day without some kind of exercise or workout, it keeps me sane! And I usually turn off my computer around 1am. Groundhog day every day!

Do you have any upcoming projects we can be excited about? “We are one” is a song I wrote with a Paris 2024 Olympics in mind. It was designed to sound anthemic and uplifting. Being French it felt natural to write such a song for such a big event. One song really impressed me and it was for the 1992 Barcelona Olympics sung by Monserrat Caballé and Freddie Mercury. Such an iconic song. So, when I started to work on this song, I needed a very strong title and this is how the concept of “We are one” came about. For once I wanted to be 100% optimistic in thinking that a song could bring people together. My goal with this song is to make people feel part of something that we truly are brothers and sisters of the world. And the values in sports are really close to my heart. The dedication, the commitment, the perseverance, the teamwork, the courage, the pursuit of personal excellence our core values that shouldn’t be forgotten. And of course, the song needed the grandiose aspect of what an Olympic song should sound like. Written as an exercise this song became more and more important to me and I’m hope to share it with as many people around the world as possible.

How do you deal with creative block or artist block? My creative process is very visual. In my mind I have to create some kind of short movie. I often get ideas from watching movies. So if I need a jump start, I’ll start by watching a movie.

What is the best advice anyone has ever given you? Unknowingly, my father gave me the best advice. His work ethic and righteousness left a big mark on me. I try to live up to his standards every day.

What’s been your favorite moment of your career so far? When did you start being an artist? After 4 years of Medical school I auditioned for musical called “Notre Dame de Paris. I got the part and went on tour for 3 years! This show changed my life, I’ve never looked back!

Where can people find your music online? On our official website and on Youtube, Instagram and TikTok @thefairchilds