Interview: Talia Daniels

Where are you from?

I currently live in South Carolina, but I was born in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. I was raised in Upstate New York…the Town of Wingdale.

What is your earliest memory of music?

As much as I would love to say that it was in church, it was actually on the playground as a child. For some reason running around singing little rhyming songs in the midst of play sticks out strongly in my mind.

When did you start being an artist?

I have had so many “start” moments throughout my life. I always sang in church…Daddy was a Deacon! In my teens, I sought after the New York music scene but life happened. I did a lot of writing and jazz gigs and club singing back then but raising a family took center stage. About five years ago, my love for recording was rekindled and it’s become an every waking hour desire ever since. I believe I have been an artist for a long time, but I’m really honing my craft now.

How would you describe your style?

That’s actually hard to answer because I love so many different styles of music. I’m a mix of Contemporary Gospel, CCM and R&B. My older work presents more of the POP CCM but I’m working on new songs that will show more of my Christian R&B style as I work with Producer David E. Beats.

Are there any particular themes or messages that you often explore in your music?

My music ministry is based on GRACE! That and worship are at the core of my lyrics. I am so grateful to God for the grace that He has shown me over and over again!

What is the meaning behind your stage name?

I really struggled with the need for a stage name. After much prayer, God allowed me to be comfortable with a variation of my own given name. Talia means “dew of God”, which I sincerely pray that people will find my music to be.

What is the story behind your most famous song?

At this time, the song that has resonated most with my listeners is “Have Your Way”. That song was a one-on-one conversation between God and I, where I declared that I was turning “it ALL” over to Him. It was an extension of a prayer one morning where I was surrendering all my desires for creating and sharing music to Him and letting Him know that I would be satisfied right where I was if that was His will. It was a tough prayer but one that needed to be shared. For me it stemmed from the age old temptation to compare my journey and success to others instead of just letting The Lord lead and bless.

What is the hardest thing about being an artist?

Ha! Timing! Matching the desire for singing and creating to be an everyday, every moment thing, versus the reality of time. As an Indie Artist you have to be able to support your craft financially, so time management is key.

What’s the best thing about being an artist?

The best thing about being an artist is getting to share your message through song with the world and believing that even one life might be changed because of something that God instructed you to write.

What are your goals for your music career?

I would love for my music to long outlast me! I would love to write music that others love to sing, that sits on repeat. I desire to write music that brings hope and encouragement and peace to others.

What do you like to do in your free time (outside of music)?

Family time is so important to me. I love when we all get together and spend time laughing and doing the most corny family things possible.

Do you get involved with charities or causes that are important to you?

I am blessed to be part of a church that encourages regular missions. I find homeless ministry very important and have and will continue to be a part of ongoing missions to tend to those in need. It is important to realize that, except for the Grace of God, we could find ourselves in situations that we would not expect to find ourselves in at any given moment. It is critical that we share the love of God humbly with all, without judgment.

What is something that people would be surprised to know about you?

Probably that I get giddy and child-like at art exhibits and museums. I know it’s a little strange and I can’t explain it but I get teary if I come across new works of artists that I follow. Yesterday, I went to an exhibit for Carlisle Harris, Trinidadian Painter Extraordinaire, and have not stopped smiling since. Still working this emotion out with God…lol. (Btw, if anyone knows where the works of Sonia Diniz can be seen, reach out!!!)

What does a typical day look like for you?

Of course it depends on the day. Most days it’s up and off to work at 8:00 am. Returning home after 5pm, spending time with family and then heading to my upstairs home recording studio for a co-write or to work on something new.

Do you have any upcoming projects we can be excited about?

I actually have a song coming out in two days called “Living Blessing”. It speaks of how God sees us. We are held, loved, redeemed, sealed and made alive! I am also actively recording a Christmas EP now.

What are some of the standout tracks on your latest project?

I really like, “Jesus My Hope Always”. I released it for Easter this year and it has been received well. It talks about the simple message that Jesus is our Hope. We can’t really find that anywhere but in Him. “Jesus Your Love” is also an awesome easy sing along track about always being able to run to Him.

What are your favorite topics to write about?

I guess, I love really writing about restoration. You know? The proof of what God has done and can do in our lives.

How do you deal with creative block or artist block?

Prayer! I try to just get silent with God and wait for Him to speak. If He is not saying anything at the moment, I pray for the right attitude in the waiting…which is actually another song that will be coming out soon…”At Work in The Waiting”.

What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?

In music, it has been to stick to who you are and not try to imitate anyone else for the purpose of being recognized. For music and life…Let God do the work and you just be obedient to His call.

What was the best show or tour you have ever been on?

I have not done any major tours yet, but I believe they will come soon. There are several yearly conferences that I absolutely love though. One is local to South Carolina, “Sisters in Christ”, and the other to North Carolina, “Sister Chicks”. Women come expecting to receive a good word and ready to worship. Effective, fervent worship is powerful! My home church had its first women’s conference this year, Unshakeable Confidence, and I can’t wait for the next one.

What’s been your favorite moment of your career so far?Where can people find your music online?

I have had so many wonderful moments in my career! One I loved in particular was getting to record with my son DJ on “In The Meantime”. It was wonderful to see him become comfortable with the recording process.

I would love it if everyone reading this article would follow me on any of the following platforms and enjoy my music: