Singer/Songwriter Ben Sefton Tackles Insecurities with Candor and Biting Wit on “Dark Dreams”

There are things that happen in dreams, of course, that none of us would ever feel comfortable sharing in public. Singer/songwriter Ben Sefton doesn’t exactly spill all the details in his latest single “Dark Dreams,” but he bravely stares-down his insecurities and emerges with a mesmerizing new slice of lounge-folk/dark pop genius.

Ben explains, “This is a song I started writing after a bad dream, where all of my deepest insecurities were exposed, my hopes at romance had utterly failed and my perverted longings for certain acquaintances were bizarrely explored (as in every dream I’ve ever had, I guess).”

While “Dark Dreams” will leave you unsettled (and chuckling) in equal measure, it is perhaps the perfect balance of discomfort and humor to inspire us to take a look at all the foibles we keep hidden from ourselves. It is also an exquisite piece of songcraft with shades of lounge music, vocal jazz and bossa nova — the latest example from a singer/songwriter whose versatility is outpaced only by his smoothness.