Interview: Danny Hamilton


Where are you from?

I was born and raised in southern California. City of Torrance.

What is your earliest memory of music?

My earliest memory of music having an effect on me, was during a car ride when I was about 7 years old. Elvis Presley’s “Love Me Tender” was playing, and I remember feeling like I wanted to cry, but I didn’t know why. Something about the melody and the tone of his voice just felt incredibly sad to me.

When did you start being an artist?

I gravitated toward arts as a young child, spending a large chunk of my childhood drawing. I was hit by a truck in 8th grade and spent many months in a wheelchair—This is when I taught myself some chords on an old guitar that we had in the house. Most of my high school life was spent playing guitar and immersing myself in music of all kinds. I also enjoyed theater and acting in high school, but music always pulled strongest at me. In 1996, when I was 18 years old, my family suffered extreme tragic loss and trauma—This was when I first started writing my own songs, and songwriting became a sort of healing therapy for me. (It still is)

How would you describe your style?

Roots-Rock is the genre I’ve heard the most… Blues-Rock, Alt-Country, and Americana could all also be accurate descriptions, depending on the song!

Are there any particular themes or messages that you often explore in your music?

I’ve always felt most comfortable writing songs about real human emotion and conditions. In the early days, I wrote songs from my own perspective and from my own experiences—But these days, my lens is much more zoomed-out and I write songs from many different perspectives, but always rooted in truth, empathy and human emotion.

What is the meaning behind your stage name?

Hamilton was my mother’s maiden name. I started using it as my stage name shortly after she died, in 1996.

What is the hardest thing about being an independent artist?

Needing to be/do EVERYTHING. Promoter, advertiser, graphic designer, booking agent, manager… Doesn’t really leave enough time for ARTIST. And, of course, not being able to make a living off of the work.

What’s the best thing about being an artist?

For me, the best thing about being an artist is sharing my art with the world. Making music with other people is one of my favorite things in life.

What are your goals for your music career?

I have already accomplished way more than I ever thought I would, and I am so grateful for all of the opportunities I have had. My only real goal is to keep going… Keep improving, keep learning. Keep raising the bar for myself and the work I put out into the world.

What do you like to do in your free time (outside of music)?

Live and laugh as much as possible. And sleep… I LOVE sleep so much. I also enjoy road trips with my wife and son, spending time out in nature, movies, and family Nintendo time!

Do you have any upcoming projects we can be excited about?

Well, I am extremely excited about the new album, just released on May 3! After two years, blood, sweat and tears (and a fractured spine!), it is FINALLY here! I am SO incredibly happy with how it all turned out, and I cannot wait for you all to hear the final product!

What are some of the standout tracks on your latest project?

We released three tracks in advance: ‘Jump on These Blues,’ ‘Is That You, Mary Jane?’ and the title track, called ‘The Knocking.’ So far, the title track seems to be the standout, with ‘Jump on These Blues’ coming in at a close second.

What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?

Everything is temporary.

What was the best show or tour you have ever been on?

Well, the most MEMORABLE show was probably the night that CC Deville from the band Poison came up to join me for a few songs! This was back in 2004, when I was playing a solo/acoustic set at a place called Lava Lounge in Hollywood. There may or may not be some clips floating around on the YouTube…

What’s been your favorite moment of your career so far?

I don’t know if I could choose a favorite, but being featured on CMT back in 2010 is definitely a standout moment. They flew a camera crew out from Nashville to interview me, and let me be my geeky awkward self on national television… That was pretty cool.

Where can people find your music online?

My website, of course! I mean, you can find my music on ALL of the digital platforms, like Spotify, Apple Music and GooglePlay… (Just be sure to look for my FACE if you go searching. There are at least four other Danny Hamiltons out there now!) You can also find a TON of stuff on my YouTube page, including my Garage Sessions series. But, will always be the main source for all the latest! 🙂