Survivors of The Kraken Unleash Emotional Single “Tattered Baggage”

After a hiatus due to the global pandemic, Survivors of The Kraken are triumphantly returning to the music scene with their latest single, “Tattered Baggage.” The band, consisting of Justin, Allan, and Brian, brings forth a poignant track that reflects on the challenges faced during the COVID-19 lockdown and the bittersweet journey of reuniting to create music once again.

The genesis of “Tattered Baggage” took place in a nostalgic setting, as Justin recounts, “When the three of us pick up our instruments, I [Justin] time travel twenty years to Allan’s living room on Reynolds Ave. It’s like no time has passed, but also like watching an old movie.” The band, having experienced success with previous songs, shows, and festivals, faced an unexpected halt with the onset of the pandemic. Justin, a former public school teacher, found solace in music during those challenging times.

“I remember sitting alone on the floor in my studio at one or two in the morning feeling really sad that maybe we’d never get to play music together again—we lost some people close to us in those early days of the pandemic,” Justin reflects on the initial impact of COVID-19 on the band’s trajectory.

During this period of uncertainty, Justin acquired a new, unconventional guitar, sparking a creative exploration of styles and melodies. The unique chord progression that became the foundation of “Tattered Baggage” emerged from these late-night sessions. The lyrics for the bridge unfolded spontaneously, capturing the essence of the band’s struggle and eventual resilience.

“We’d been practicing in Allan’s garage, and I just had this image of standing with Brian outside and Allan bringing the door down between us. Maybe that was it. That became the first words to the song and just kind of flowed from there,” Justin describes the inspiration behind the song’s distinctive lyrics.

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Survivors of The Kraken eventually regrouped, bringing “Tattered Baggage” to life. The single seamlessly combines the familiarity of their longstanding musical connection with a fresh perspective, as if the song had been part of their repertoire for decades.

“Tattered Baggage” serves as a testament to the band’s resilience, creativity, and the enduring power of music to transcend challenging times. Fans can now immerse themselves in the emotional journey of Survivors of The Kraken by listening to “Tattered Baggage,” available on all major streaming platforms.