Where are you from?
I live in Katy TX, but was raised in Thomasville NC

What is your earliest memory of music?
Sitting on my dad’s lap listening to the Doobie Brothers.

When did you start being an artist?
When I went through a nasty divorce.

How would you describe your style?
A little country with a little rock, and all catchy and meaningful writing.

Are there any particular themes or messages that you often explore in your music?
I explore emotions as opposed to messages.

What is the meaning behind your stage name?
It’s my actual first name, lol

What is the story behind your most famous song?
That depends on how you categorize “Famous” – the one with the most views/streams is Tailspin and I wrote that song during my divorce while inebriated on Crown Royal. My world was literally and figuratively spinning out of control and it felt like I was … in a tailspin. The song with the highest “Chart” position is my current single “The workin’ Kind” that is about the hard work that goes into a relationship.

What is the hardest thing about being an artist?
Finding people that appreciate what you do. There are plenty of critics and not very many that I would call fans. That makes those people that do believe in you and support you all the more meaningful.

What’s the best thing about being an artist?
Meeting new people

What are your goals for your music career?
I want to tour for a living. Everything else is just a step to make that happen.

What do you like to do in your free time (outside of music)?
I cook some mean BBQ!

Do you get involved with charities or causes that are important to you?

What is something that people would be surprised to know about you?
That I want nothing at all to do with fame.

What does a typical day look like for you?
Work work work work work. Then sleep for 2 hours and get up to do it all over again.

Do you have any upcoming projects we can be excited about?
I’m absolutely stoked about the release of my next single. It’s one of my favorite songs I’ve ever written.

What are some of the standout tracks on your latest project?
Most artists aren’t releasing EP’s or LP’s anymore – it’s all singles for the most part.

What are your favorite topics to write about?
Relationships for sure.

How do you deal with creative block or artist block?
I don’t. When the song is supposed to come to me, it will.

What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?
Believe in yourself, because if you don’t, nobody else will do that job for you.

What was the best show or tour you have ever been on?
Maybe the best show I’ve been added to was opening for Justin Moore. He was the nicest guy on the planet and his band was incredibly good. I can’t say enough good things about his organization.

What’s been your favorite moment of your career so far?Where can people find your music online?
The best is yet to come. I’m just getting started and I have some amazing material up my sleeve. If you want to watch me grow and be a part of it, you can find me almost anywhere by looking up Marshall Rocks Country.