Interview: Joshua Ingram

Where are you from?

I’m from Hurst, a suburb of Fort Worth, TX

What is your earliest memory of music?

I remember listening to the record player in the living room and singing church songs at church.

When did you start being an artist?

I had a band in high school and we played a few shows. I really got going as a solo artist around 2001.

How would you describe your style?

It’s a blend of styles just like me. There are influences from rock, country, folk, blues, and just about anything else. I usually just call it Americana.

Are there any particular themes or messages that you often explore in your music?

I like to reference redemption or overcoming personal struggles.

What is the story behind your most famous song?

In Walked You is about a time when things were going difficult in my life and the right person walked into my life and made everything look better.

What is the hardest thing about being an artist?

The hardest thing is sticking with it when it gets tough. Sometimes the schedule is too difficult, sometimes the creativity doesn’t come, and sometimes, the audience doesn’t seem to be coming along with you. In these and other disappointing situations, you have to push through and remember why you had the dream in the first place.

What’s the best thing about being an artist?

I have the freedom to dream and always look forward. I get to create new things and hope people like them and even feel something. I have the possibility of being influential in my culture.

What are your goals for your music career?

I would like to be successful enough to gain some long traction but not so famous I can’t walk down the street. It’s tough to ignore the financial needs, but I’d like that not to be my motivation. There are so many more songs inside me and I want to make sure I get them out. That’s probably the clearest goal.

What do you like to do in your free time (outside of music)?

I like to read, watch sports, but mostly, when I’m not doing music, I’m being a dad. My kids are pretty busy so I like to be around them as much as I can.

Do you get involved with charities or causes that are important to you?

I do a 12-hour concert fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s association and I work with Kidlinks ( by playing music for special needs children.

What is something that people would be surprised to know about you?

I think people are surprised to find out that I’m so into leadership and personal development. I read lots of books on these topics and listen to podcasts about them.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Wake up at 6:30, eat breakfast and do daily reading, get the kids to school, handle meetings, interviews, write songs, record, post to social media, book shows, promote previously booked shows, check my equipment, work on the cars, mow the lawn, clean the house, work out, and many other activities. Then, the kids come home from school, we talk, eat dinner and then I’ll leave for a show. This isn’t the same every day, but every day has a fair amount of this. I’m working hard to balance the music life with what folks consider a “normal” life.

Do you have any upcoming projects we can be excited about?

I’ll be putting out new singles as soon and as often as I can.

What are some of the standout tracks on your latest project?

I recommend RV, Look, and Better With You.

What are your favorite topics to write about?

I love to write about life. It’s all important.

How do you deal with creative block or artist block?
Give it a rest and try again. When that doesn’t work, I just make myself write something until the blood comes back.

What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?

Charlie Robison said, “Play everywhere you can for everyone you can.”

What was the best show or tour you have ever been on?

I loved opening for Ely Young Band.

What’s been your favorite moment of your career so far?

Every time I release a new project is my favorite career moment.

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