Interview: Jan Daley

Where are you from?


What is your earliest memory of music? 

I first discovered music was when I was 6 years old. My mother would play her Big Band records and we would dance together.  She would tell stories how she and my father would go to Dance marathons where the Big Bands were playing.  It grew from there to music sung in movies and what was on the Radio.

When did you start being an artist? 

High School & College

How would you describe your style?

I would probably say Jazz/Pop with sometimes a breathy quality with an earthy edge.

Are there any particular themes or messages that you often explore in your music?

I like to write empowerment songs like my Pop Hit “Way of a Woman” or family songs like “She was a Dreamer” about my mother who was a dreamer but never got to fulfill any of her dreams.

What is the meaning behind your stage name?

Actually, my real name was too long and complicated to fit on the Marquee so I picked out a name from a Canadian Phone book with the same initials as my real name and was something people could remember.

What is the story behind your most famous song?

Going back to my recent hit of “Way of a Woman”

After being married for many years and having it dissolve was hard, but I was hopeful.  Months later I began dating a man who I met on an online dating service.  We corresponded for months and began dating.  I fell madly in love.  He was funny, good looking, smart and loved to ski, which I loved!  Five months into the relationship he told me he would not be able to see me because he would be going through a custody battle with his X-wife.   I hadn’t talked to him for months and one night while on my way, with a girlfriend, to see a musical, he called and said “Oh the snow is perfect why don’t you come up to Sun Valley, our favorite place to ski (I had never been there).  I looked at my friend and she rolled her eyes, so I said “who do you think you are talking to?  And there was a long pause….. He had clicked on the wrong number, and he realized he got caught cheating!

The song is partially about that experience.

What is the hardest thing about being an artist?

Sometimes the sacrifices you make.  Practicing when you could have fun with friends or family.

What’s the best thing about being an artist?

The magic when singing live.  There is an energy you receive from the audience and the band.  There is nothing like it!

What are your goals for your music career? 

To play bigger venues and for people around the world to know the music of Jan Daley.  I’m in the process of writing my life Story that intertwines with my father who I never got to meet.  He was shot down picking up POW’s when I was 2 months old.

What do you like to do in your free time (outside of music)?

Playing Tennis or Paddle Tennis with friends and family.  Of course, spending time with my family and my granddaughter who is growing up so fast!  She keeps me on my toes!!

Do you get involved with charities or causes that are important to you?  I belong to two charities National Giving Alliance and Mannequins.  In NGA we raise money to buy clothes, backpack, toiletries, and shoes, for our homeless kids.  Mannequins we model to raise money for our schoolkids so we can give scholarships to further their education.

What is something that people would be surprised to know about you? 

I was a competitive swimmer who trained for the Olympics.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Go through emails in the morning and do the business part of being an independent artist and the after lunch I get to do the creative thing of writing songs and putting together songs for an upcoming show show.

Do you have any upcoming projects we can be excited about?

Tweaking my book & Movie or Limited series of my life.  I already have songs written for the Movie.  Every time I tell my story to a DJ or Producer/director they say, “Let me know when you finish because it’s a great story and I’m interested”

What are some of the standout tracks on your latest project?

Eat Your Heart Out, She Was a Dreamer, It Still Hurts, Stand Up, Drivers Seat!

What are your favorite topics to write about?

The struggle we humans go through and Love!

How do you deal with creative block or artist block?

I go for a walk in nature, sit down and watch something funny or poignant on TV.

What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?

Don’t give up and keep on improving yourself. 

Now I have a new motto, myself “It’s Never too Late, you’re never too old to fulfill your dreams”

What was the best show or tour you have ever been on?

Pretty hard to beat entertaining our US Troops around the World with Bob Hope! It was during the Vietnam War, and it made us feel good we could bring laughter and a piece of Home to all the GI’s for those 2 hours, in the middle of a War!

What’s been your favorite moment of your career so far?

Again, I would say entertaining our soldiers. Here are a few links where you see me doing just that!  These clips are funny and poignant!

Bob Hope World Tour (Vintage)

Silent Night + Forrest Gump + photos singing Thanks For  Memory

Where can people find your music online?

I usually autograph an album personally if people buy them on my website: