Interview: Christopher Shayne

Where are you from?

Phoenix AZ. Born and raised!

What is your earliest memory of music?

I grew up in a very musical household with my dad being a bass player. I remember going to shows of his and watching him play and being awestruck.

When did you start being an artist?

High school. I dabbled in guitar but didn’t really take it seriously. It wasn’t until I auditioned for the high school theater version of Little Shop of Horrors that I realized I could sing. Ended becoming the voice of the Audrey 2. Once I learned how to do everything I combined my guitar and vocal skills and an artist was born.

How would you describe your style?

Rock, hard rock, dash of blues and country. I learned how to play guitar in a blues style so I don’t think we’ll ever escape those tinges.

Are there any particular themes or messages that you often explore in your music?

There’s a lot of reoccurring themes that keep coming up in my music. A lot of disillusionment seems to be an overall theme. That idea of expectations never quite reaching reality. I promise I’m fun at parties!

What is the meaning behind your stage name?

It’s just my name! Easy choice!

What is the story behind your most famous song?

One More Round is a song about trying over and over again. Never giving up and just pushing through. We just wanted something that was just about pure endurance.

What is the hardest thing about being an artist?

Some days, just keeping going. You’re going to hear a lot of no’s and get a lot of passes and yet you have to keep powering through all the rejection. Takes a very very thick skin to manage it but if you do keep going, things will come to together!

What’s the best thing about being an artist?

Everything. It’s really hard to describe that sense of calm and emotional release that comes from making and performing art. For those moments, the world lines up, comes together, and makes sense. I think we’re all chasing that.

What are your goals for your music career?

To be able to keep doing it! I think every artist fears the day they’ll have to come back down to earth. Hopefully I reach a point where it’s just this and these emotions that I’m chasing.

What do you like to do in your free time (outside of music)?

I’m a pretty big nerd so a lot of video games. Keeps my brain occupied!

Do you get involved with charities or causes that are important to you?

My girlfriend and I donate blood regularly!

What is something that people would be surprised to know about you?

Besides all the oversharing I’ve done before here? Oh man, I think the nerd thing hits people as shocking considering the intensity of the on stage performance.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Coffee in the morning. Catch a little sun. Then it’s a mixture of gym, writing, recording, and family time.

Do you have any upcoming projects we can be excited about?

We’re releasing the final song of the next ep and getting ready to jump back in and record even more!

What are some of the standout tracks on your latest project?

Devil’s Dues holds a special place in my heart! It’s about running away from regrets and all of them eventually catching up to you delivered in such a heavy package. One of my favorites.

What are your favorite topics to write about?

My favorite ones are ones that just tough on personal messages for me. If I’m going through something it will come out and that cathartic release feels so good. I’m constantly trying to mix up tropes and play with styles of writing.

How do you deal with creative block or artist block?

Take a breather. Take a shower. Go to the gym. Do something that takes away my concentration and then return. Sometimes you also just kind of have to force yourself to start and work through it. You can always go back and improve.

What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?

“The people you meet on the way up are the same people you’ll meet on the way down”. Just such a great message about kindness.

What was the best show or tour you have ever been on?

This current tour with Des Rocs is definitely my favorite. Everyone is so kind and having fun. It’s great seeing everyone work together.

What’s been your favorite moment of your career so far?

Favorite moment was walking off stage and seeing Lynyrd Skynyrd standing there with handshakes and saying “welcome to the family” I don’t think anyone can take that away from me.

Where can people find your music online?

Anywhere streaming is available. Just look up Christopher Shayne and we’ll be there!